AI Newsreader

World’s First AI Newsreader

The world’s first AI newsreader has been launched in China and now followed by a female AI counterpart. AI anchors who will report “tirelessly” all day, every day, from anywhere in the country. Observers worry China is turning into a digital police state. Click here to read more

Facial Recognition

The Hidden Dangers of Facial Recognition

Artificial intelligence & biometrics using facial analysis is becoming more wide-spread in our society. Computers are making more autonomous decisions that affect us all. Computer software can make the same mistakes that their human programmers make when it comes to bias and discrimination. Our biggest supermarket brand has started to use this technology and it is not foolproof. Click here to read more

Security and the Economic Cost of Poaching

The cost of poaching and rustling in NZ is pushing $250 million per annum. Police and local security companies combined with local knowledge need to work together to help put a stop to it. Because it has had a low police enforcement policy, criminal elements have been exploiting it. Check out blog for more info